Having an excellent or perfect credit score is not very impossible. All that's needed is discipline and management. It is very easy for those who have such good scores to get loans and mortgages. If one has a good score rating then it will give more credibility making the loaners, banks and creditors trust you.
I personally have a good credit score and doing my best to keep it on the right track so by the time we are ready for our house purchase, we won't be much worried with our mortgage. Building it up is not that hard because I only spend what I need and what I can afford to pay. This is one key to get perfect credit scores.
I personally have a good credit score and doing my best to keep it on the right track so by the time we are ready for our house purchase, we won't be much worried with our mortgage. Building it up is not that hard because I only spend what I need and what I can afford to pay. This is one key to get perfect credit scores.